Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Recipe: A DIY bacon and egg muffin that’s simple and speedy

A family-friendly breakfast on the go for those busy mornings.
These breakfast muffins are not only just as fast to prepare as sitting in a drive-through queue, they can also be made in advance and popped in the fridge overnight for a super-speedy option.
Serves 4
8 slices of streaky bacon
4 eggs
4 English muffins
4 slices of cheddar cheese
Salt and pepper
These breakfast muffins can be frozen if you want to have a batch in reserve for mornings when you need a bit of extra time. Wrap them in foil before freezing. To reheat simply remove the foil, leave to defrost, and pop them in the microwave or a sandwich press.
